When income dries up, people often fall behind on paying their utilities, including water, gas, electric and other bills. Utility assistance programs offer monetary assistance designed to help low-income individuals and families with getting caught up on utility payments. These organizations may provide financial assistance and grants for people who received shut off notices from their gas or utility companies. Funds for utility assistance may be limited, so contact these services if you’re struggling.

Rent Assistance Utility Assistance Physical Health Meals Childcare Maintenance Furnishings Clothing Education
Vision That “Beit Al Khair” becomes the leading in the field of providing outstanding humanitaria...

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Our vision Pioneers in providing humanitarian services and achieving maximum efficacy for the don...

The MOCD is seeking to improve the social development in Emirates by achieving the objectives of ...

The Organization flourished in 1997 upon a decree issued by the Late His Highness Sheikh Maktoum ...

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi – Supreme Council Member ...